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Kiwi Mojito Popsicles

Aug 3, 2021

Looking for your new summer staple cocktail in a popsicle? Thanks to Fruits From Chile you can add this recipe to your next party!


  • ¼ cup tightly packed fresh mint leaves

  • ½ cup fresh lime juice

  • ½ cup light agave syrup
  • 1 ¾ cups water
  • 2 large or 3 medium Chilean kiwifruits


  • Blitz mint leaves in a powerful blender or food processor. Add lime juice, agave, and water to the crushed mint. Pulse to combine, then let sit for 10 minutes.
  • Using a fine mesh strainer, strain and reserve liquid.
  • Peel and cut kiwis into quarters, lengthwise. Then slice wedges into mini pie-shaped pieces. Place kiwi pieces into the bottom of each popsicle mold – filling about ¼ full. Pour lime-mint liquid into each mold to fill.
  • Freeze for 45 minutes, then add popsicle sticks. Continue freezing until solid.

Makes 10 popsicles